TreatNet Project



The TreatNet Project (CPP2022-009735) is funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

Executive summary

Study context

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic and highly prevalent respiratory disease that can significantly impact the health and quality of life of patients. Overnight continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the most effective therapy, being the main treatment option worldwide. It has been shown that the positive effects of CPAP depend on treatment adherence.

This adherence is defined as the use of the device for more than 4 hours on at least 70% of nights. CPAP is not a curative treatment, meaning its effectiveness is maintained only while it is used and must be applied continuously. Therefore, patient commitment and adaptation are required to ensure the success of the treatment. However, it is estimated that between 20% and 32% of patients do not comply with the treatment.

The lack of adherence has been reported as a significant limitation of CPAP treatment, significantly restricting its effectiveness.



Currently, there is no accurate way to predict whether a patient with OSA will be adherent or non-adherent to CPAP treatment. The factors contributing to the lack of adherence are not sufficiently clear, hindering the implementation of effective strategies to minimize its consequences.

The joint analysis of complex and heterogeneous medical data from complementary data sources, such as sociodemographic, clinical, and/or resource usage data (e.g., telemonitoring), could lead to an accurate identification of the factors responsible for greater or lower CPAP adherence.

Main objective

The main objective of the project is to design, develop, and evaluate a predictive model based on artificial intelligence algorithms aimed at estimating adherence to CPAP treatment at different time intervals (short term: 3 months; medium term: 6 months; long term: 12 months), using sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, and polysomnographic data from the patient prior to treatment, as well as CPAP usage data during, at most, the first month of treatment.

Specific objectives


To identify patient subgroups and subsets of predictive variables closely related to greater or lower adherence to CPAP treatment

Unsupervised learning techniques and automatic feature selection methods will be applied: (i) to obtain an additional description of the current factors related to adherence in different subgroups of OSA patients; and (ii) to identify new factors not previously established.


To obtain a high-performance Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL) model capable of predicting CPAP adherence across different timeframes using complementary sources of multivariate data

Sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, polysomnographic, and short-term CPAP usage data will be used to prospectively train and test ML and DL algorithms designed to perform the following tasks: (i) classify patients into the mutually exclusive categories of "adherence" and "non-adherence" (binary classification); and (ii) estimate the average number of daily CPAP usage hours (regression of a continuous variable). All models (classification and regression) will be trained to infer adherence over increasing time periods: 3, 6, and 12 months from the start of therapy. This variable approach will help improve the early detection of long-term non-adherent patients.


To explain the predictions derived from the ML/DL models in terms of known and interpretable features of patients using explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques

XAI techniques will complement ML/DL-based models by enhancing their reliability and maximizing their potential for integration into real-world settings. XAI will enable the identification of critical data patterns that lead to adherence predictions, as well as potential biases.


To obtain a comprehensive tool capable of managing clinical data, applying the automated predictive model of CPAP adherence, and explaining the predictions

This solution must be capable of handling a large amount of health-related data (sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, polysomnographic, and CPAP variables) from OSA patients collected daily. It will also include the final optimal ML/DL model and XAI-based solutions, while ensuring data security. It is expected to help clinicians closely and effectively monitor their patients, improving the health and quality of life of individuals affected by OSA, providing them with a more personalized and efficient healthcare service.


To transfer the knowledge and technological results generated to the home respiratory therapy provider

Conducting a reliable cost-effectiveness analysis of the proposal is the first step to assess its feasibility in a real market. Specific actions related to this objective will include the following: (i) analyzing the actual costs of non-adherence to CPAP; (ii) studying the costs associated with implementing our proposal in the healthcare system; (iii) estimating the number of patients who will benefit from it; and (iv) calculating cost savings and profit margins for the real-world exploitation of the proposal. After the integration and prospective evaluation of the final tool in clinical practice, the possibility of undertaking intellectual property protection actions on the results, such as patents and/or licenses, will be explored. Consequently, all results requiring protection will be identified and transferred to companies and institutions involved in the healthcare framework, particularly in respiratory therapy services.


A group primarily composed of engineers and doctors from various specialties (pulmonology, ophthalmology, neurology, neurophysiology, and psychiatry), working together in different research areas. In particular, it has extensive experience in cardiorespiratory signal processing to assist in the diagnosis of OSA. The multiple projects it has participated in and its growing high-impact scientific production validate the group's strong research capacity.


Roberto Hornero Sánchez

Founder & Coordinator

A company specialized in providing comprehensive products and services for Home Respiratory Therapies (HRT). In recent years, the company has made a significant effort to diversify, entering sectors with strong synergies with HRT, such as medical gases, consumables and hospital materials, sleep diagnostic equipment, food and industrial gases. OXIGEN SALUD's vision is focused on meeting the needs of the HRT market based on the specific needs of patients.


Juan Martín López

Supervisor of respiratory therapy management
at the Valladolid headquarters

Development methodology

Sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, polysomnographic, and CPAP usage data from the OSA therapy telemonitoring program managed by Oxigen Salud will be used. Access, storage, and subsequent analysis of these variables require addressing the management of a high volume of data acquired daily from different sources and in various formats, as well as verifying them in terms of integrity and accuracy. Additionally, since the number of OSA patients is constantly growing, it must be scalable. In accordance with these requirements, the first stage of this project will focus on a thorough study of the state of the art in big data systems applied to health problems. This will include the selection of appropriate tools and technologies for data storage, access, and management, as well as verification.

In this stage, complementary approaches will be applied: unsupervised vs. supervised learning; conventional learning (ML) vs. deep learning (DL):

  • Unsupervised learning: OSA subgroups will be identified that share similarities within the data used, helping to discover whether patients with OSA of the same age range, comorbidities, sex, etc., follow similar patterns. A post-hoc prospective analysis of these groups will allow us to assess their adherence behaviors and evaluate their shared information to identify new factors affecting adherence.
  • Supervised learning: classification and regression methods based on ML and DL will be used. The former will be used to classify subjects as "adherent" or "non-adherent", while the latter will automatically estimate the number of hours of CPAP use. Additionally, independent models will be created to predict adherence in the short term (3 months), medium term (6 months), and long term (12 months).

ML and DL models have traditionally been perceived as "black boxes". This perception is particularly important in the context of healthcare, as it reduces clinicians' trust in their predictions, negatively affecting the real-world implementation of these tools. To address this issue, different XAI methods will be implemented and applied. These techniques have been designed and evaluated in several fields of application, facilitating the interpretation of predictions and the identification of new laws or hidden patterns in the data. Their use at this stage of the project will allow us to explain and interpret the ML and DL models, as well as better understand why such predictions/results are provided.

For binary classification (adherence vs. non-adherence), the performance of the ML and DL models will be evaluated in terms of: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and area under the ROC curve.

For regression approach (estimating the number of hours of CPAP usage), the performance of the models will be evaluated in terms of concordance: intra-class correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman plots, and Cohen's kappa.

All statistical metrics will be derived from the prospective test dataset to ensure proper validation of the methodology.

A cost-effectiveness analysis will be conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the automatic early prediction model of adherence to treatment in patients with OSA. First, we will analyze the estimated costs of non-adherence to CPAP based on cutting-edge studies. Then, we will evaluate the costs associated with the implementation of our proposal, as well as the estimated number of patients who will benefit from it. Finally, we will estimate the cost savings and profit margin for the real-world deployment of the proposal, and consider potential actions to protect the project results.

Dissemination of results

JCR articles(2)


Data Augmentation in Predictive Maintenance Applicable to Hydrogen Combustion Engines - A Review

Alexander Schwarz, Jhonny Rodriguez Rahal, Benjamín Sahelices, Verónica Barroso-García, Ronny Weis, Simon Duque Antón. Artificial Intelligence Review, vol. 58 (32), December, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s10462-024-11021-9


SleepECG-Net: explainable deep learning approach with ECG for pediatric sleep apnea diagnosis

Clara García-Vicente, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Adrián Martín-Montero, David Gozal, Roberto Hornero. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 29 (2), February, 2025, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3495975


Book chapters( )


National and international conferences(2)


Dissemination materials ( )





Biomedical Engineering Group

Oxigen Salud